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All history about pongal festival in india

Pongal is a four-day Hindu celebration that is praised in the southern Indian province of Tamil Nadu. It is ordinarily held in the period of January and is a period for individuals to meet up, commend the gather, and express gratefulness for the gifts of the sun.

Step by step discribe
The celebration is named after a unique dish called “pongal,” which is made with rice, lentils, and milk. On the principal day of the celebration, individuals get ready pongal and offer it to the sun as an approach to saying thanks to the sun for its nurturing energy. This day is known as “Bhogi Pongal” and is praised with huge fires and the consuming of old garments and different things.

The second day of the celebration is designated “Surya Pongal” and is a period for individuals to offer petitions to the sun and partake in exceptional customs. The third day, called “Maattu Pongal,” is devoted to cows, which are viewed as holy in Hinduism. On this day, individuals embellish their cows and partake in extraordinary customs in their honor.

The fourth and last day of the celebration is designated “Kaanum Pongal” and is a period for individuals to visit loved ones and trade gifts and desserts. It is a period for individuals to meet up and praise the finish of the celebration and express gratefulness for the endowments of the sun.

by and large about pongal celebration
By and large, Pongal is a significant celebration in Tamil Nadu and is commended with extraordinary delight and energy by individuals, everything being equal. It is a period for individuals to meet up, commend the gather, and express gratefulness for the favors of the sun.

Why we celebrate pongal ?
Pongal is a period for individuals in Tamil Nadu to meet up and commend the gather. During the celebration, individuals enliven their homes and work environments with conventional improvements, for example, mango leaves and bright rangolis (designs made with rice flour and shaded powders).

Notwithstanding the customary ceremonies and services, Pongal is likewise a period for individuals to take part in comprehensive developments and festivities. These may incorporate music and dance exhibitions, plays, and other social exercises.

“A gathering observing Pongal, a four-day Hindu celebration that is held in Tamil Nadu in southern India and is a period for individuals to meet up, commend the reap, and express gratefulness for the endowments of the sun.
idli vada
One of the primary customs of Pongal is the arrangement of the unique pongal dish, which is made with rice, lentils, and milk. This dish is thought of as favorable and is frequently ready and proposed to the sun during the celebration as an approach to saying thanks to the sun for its gifts.

Pongal is likewise a period for individuals to trade gifts and desserts with loved ones. It is a period for individuals to meet up and commend the finish of the colder time of year season and the beginning of longer days.

Authentic reality about pongal
Pongal is an old celebration that has been commended in Tamil Nadu for millennia. It is referenced in numerous antiquated Hindu texts and is quite possibly of the most established celebration in the Hindu schedule.

In old times, Pongal was a period for individuals to express gratefulness for the favors of the sun and to commend the finish of the colder time of year solstice. It was a period for individuals to meet up, trade gifts and desserts, and partake in unique customs and services.

Throughout the long term, Pongal has developed and is presently celebrated in various ways across Tamil Nadu. In spite of these distinctions, the celebration stays a significant piece of the state’s social legacy and is praised with extraordinary satisfaction and energy by individuals, everything being equal.

As well as being praised in Tamil Nadu, Pongal is additionally seen by Hindus all over the planet, remembering for different pieces of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It is a period for individuals to meet up, commend the gather, and express gratefulness for the favors of the sun.

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