French Press VS Aeropress, What is the difference?

French Press VS Aeropress, What is the difference?


Aeropress and French press coffee makers are popular because they’re affordable, easy to use, portable, and make great-tasting coffee. But which one should you buy?

In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about French press vs Aeropress!

We’ll discuss the unique features of each coffee maker, show side-by-side comparisons of their key features, and compare their pros and cons in detail so you can make an informed decision on which one to buy.

Let’s get started!

The Primary Difference Between French Press VS Aeropress

All coffee enthusiasts know that there are two main methods of brewing coffee. The most common is drip coffee and espresso, and then there’s french press VS AeroPress. Let’s dive in and figure out which method is better for you!

For starters, both French press and Aeropress require ground beans to be placed into their respective containers with hot water. However, their brewing processes are a bit different.

With a French press, you fill your container with water so that it covers your grounds by 1-2 inches (usually), stir in your grounds, place a lid on top of your container, give it a gentle stir as well as press down on it slightly if you want an extra bold brew, wait 4 minutes and voila!

With Aeropress, you place your paper filter into your top, unscrew one of its pieces and screw it onto your container so that it’s loose but still attached.

You then take your plunger (the bottom piece) and plunge into your coffee grounds. With each plunge, you should stir so that all of the grounds are evenly extracted with hot water.

When you get close to finishing just give one final plunge and enjoy! -But what’s going on behind the scenes?

French press vs aeropress

Let’s break down both processes a bit more! The biggest difference between the French press VS AeroPress is that the French press involves steeping while the Aeropress results in a higher degree of filtration due to its paper filter.

Which one is better, French Press VS AeroPress?

Overall, the AeroPress offers more versatility in that it can create a full-bodied coffee concentrate.

That said, it’s not as good for one or two cups as the full-sized press. If you’re looking for something that’ll let you enjoy your favorite blend in an 8 oz cup every morning, then the French press is the clear winner.

It’ll give you a stronger brew that takes less time and fewer leaves—just be sure not to overfill the glass.

This is all further complicated by the fact that different blends require different amounts of water, so keep a close eye on your pour time. A good rule of thumb is 1 minute per 30 seconds (ie. 8oz of water at 3 minutes).

What is the French Press?

A French press also called a press pot or coffee plunger is a common household coffee-making tool.

French press vs aeropress

It is used to brew coffee by steeping coarsely ground beans in hot water. The filter separates grounds from liquid, allowing them to be removed for easy cleanup after you are done brewing your cup of joe.

Different kinds of steel can be used for french presses and even ceramic ones exist these days!

It is thought that french press tolls were invented by a French man named Peter Schlumbohm in 1929.

He created a design for a device he called a press, which was meant to replace filters used at the time.

Brewing coffee with a french press takes longer than other methods like drip or pour-over coffee, but some people consider it worth it for great flavor and higher amounts of caffeine.

The brew can also be customized using different amounts of coffee and water as well as different brewing times.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you make french press coffee at home. It’s important that your grind is coarser than for other brewing methods, and you also want to be sure that you don’t overfill your press with grounds.

This can lead to bitter flavors being extracted from your coffee.

If you’re looking for high levels of caffeine or antioxidants like polyphenols, look into alternative brewing methods that use less time and temperature but preserve flavor well.

Want to read about Pour Over and Drip coffee? Follow me!

What is the Aeropress?

The AeroPress is a piston-style brewer. What does that mean? This type of brewer uses a plunger attached to a cylinder chamber (where you put ground coffee) with pressure applied by pushing on it, essentially plunging your coffee grounds.

French press vs aeropress

The AeroPress is also unique in that it uses paper filters. Most of us are used to metal mesh or cone-shaped paper filters, but they’re not commonly found in high-quality piston-style brewers like AeroPress; instead, most use more expensive metal filters.

There are many ways to make coffee. Depending on your brewing method, you could get a cup of joe that’s bitter, burnt, or flavorless.

If you want a delicious cup of coffee every time, there are several tips and tricks that you should keep in mind.

To learn more about how to make great-tasting coffee from home using different techniques, read on.

The AeroPress is a relatively new product designed for making single servings of high-quality espresso from home.

It’s made by Leland Brewing Co., which also makes a variety of other brewing devices and accessories for professional baristas and home brewers alike.

The idea behind an AeroPress is simple: use pressure to push water through ground coffee beans.

With a regular drip brewer, water gets into contact with ground beans only as it trickles down through them.

But with an Aeropress, the hot water gets pushed through grounds at much higher pressure (which means faster).

How to Make Coffee With French Press?

A typical method would involve putting coffee grounds into a carafe or mug before pouring in hot water, but when using a French press, you place them directly into your mug alongside the water.


The lack of a filter means that more of your coffee’s flavor oils and aromatic compounds will make it into your cup.

That is what makes French press coffee generally richer and more flavorful than drip brew.

If done correctly and with good beans, you’ll get a crema on top like an espresso, said Laurie Ikeda-Vogelbach, owner of Minneapolis-based Café con Leche Coffee Boutique and Roastery.

If you want to pour over loose leaf tea instead of brewing it in a French press, add boiling water as usual first, then stir in your tea leaves so they steep properly before continuing with step 3 below: Bring about two cups (or 500 ml) of filtered or bottled water to boil.

How to Make Coffee With Aeropress?

There are a few different ways to make coffee with an Aeropress. For example, using coarse ground coffee and a large amount of water will make coffee that’s bolder, sweeter, and less acidic than coffee made with fine ground beans.

French press vs aeropress

Another way is to use half as much coarse ground coffee as you would normally but double up on the amount of water you’re using.

This makes it easier for those who find it hard to get used to drinking highly concentrated brews in one sitting.

Brewing time will also vary based on how strong or weak you like your cup of joe; 10-30 seconds should be plenty of time for most coffees.

Which One is Easy to Use French Press VS Aeropress?

How do decide which one is easier for you, we have made a comparison of these two common coffee maker tools?

Let’s start with the difference in using. Aeropress is quite easy to use with simple instructions printed on it while French press needs more work to make your favorite drink because it has many parts that need proper cleaning after usage.

That’s why Aeropress is easier to use than the French press if we consider its working process as well as cleaning up time after usage.

Which is Better in Taste French Press VS Aeropress?

You might assume that the French press results in a better taste. You’d be wrong.

According to multiple blind taste tests, Aeropress produces coffee with more body and less bitterness than the French press—though there are some serious devotees of both brew methods.

French press vs aeropress

One reason for Aeropress’ more favorable flavor profile is its paper filter, which keeps out many of the fine sediments that make for a bitter cup with other brewing methods.

A French press brews well with coarsely ground coffee. If you’re after a more refined brew, try a burr grinder. In any case, grind your beans immediately before brewing, as even a few minutes can lead to over-extraction.

Another element that can adversely affect flavor is water temperature. For French press, use 200–205 degrees F; for Aeropress 175–185 degrees F; and for pour-over 190–195 degrees F.

For each method, start with slightly cooler water and let it heat up as you proceed with your brew cycle.

Pouring hot water into room-temperature beans will cause them to contract and release carbon dioxide—not what you want in your cup!

Which has the more durability?

French press VS AeroPress? Both of these brewing methods have been around for quite some time and a lot of people still love them today.

These two types of devices are very similar and are usually compared side by side with each other.

However, there are many people who prefer one over another and sometimes there is even controversy on which device is more durable. So, which has the more durability between french press or AeroPress?

Let’s get right into it. For starters, both are almost entirely made out of glass but they also come in plastic models as well.

There really isn’t too much difference between their weight either because both weigh about 12 ounces and can hold up to 1 liter of liquid in them.

When it comes down to storage purposes, however, French presses can be a bit easier because you don’t have to handle them as often if you just throw them away in your cupboard when not in use anymore.

The Bottom Line

French press and AeroPress are two different types of coffee makers that are commonly used by many coffee enthusiasts.

The key difference between these two is that a french press uses water pressure to extract more flavor, oils, and compounds from ground coffee beans.

An AeroPress utilizes air pressure (hence press) and a paper filter to extract similar flavors from ground coffee beans.

So what’s better? Each has its pros and cons depending on various preferences. Regardless, both can make excellent coffee when paired with fresh grounds and high-quality water.


A coffee enthusiast from Asia keeps trying new hot beverages and sharing all his experiences with the internet. Aayush is a writer by profession who only thinks about coffee. He loves to brew and create unique recipes and share them with the public. Aayush had tried different types of coffee from different sides of the world. His favorite coffee is the Hawaiin Kona Coffee.

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